Tag Archives: Marathon

Bumrungrad Race to Heal 2025

Continuing my series, this is about my first race of 2025, in an event called Bumrungrad Race to Heal 2025. All the proceeds from this race went to charity, so I was keen on participating.

I was quite excited for this race because having done a sub-1 hour 10k before, I wanted to see if I could do it again.

I left home by grab bike at 5:00 AM. The race was in the beautiful Queen SiriKit Park at Chatuchak, Bangkok. The park has long, winding running tracks and beautiful lakes. It was a treat watching the sun rise here.

This race was comparatively small scale compared to most others I have participated in.

I was able to maintain a decent sub-6 minute pace for most of the run. Unfortunately, I forgot to start & end the run on my watch on time, so couldn’t gauge my performance immediately. However, I checked the official race records after I got home and was pleased to see that I had improved my time further.

Bumrungrad Race to Heal 2025 10k finisher certificate
Bumrungrad Race to Heal 10k finisher certificate

With each passing race, I feel fitter and more confident.

I came home by MRT. Overall, a great start to running in 2025.

Amazing Thailand Marathon 2024

As December came back around, it was time for another (my second) Amazing Thailand Marathon 2024. Last year’s was my first marathon, so I wanted to do it again this year.

Getting There

Getting there was the worst part. I made the mistake of taking a Grab and due to extensive road closures, got dropped off 5km away from the start line. With the clock ticking, I started running towards the venue. On the way, I came across a shuttle bus which was ferrying people who had abandoned the 42k/21k and hopped on it. However, soon, its way was blocked by runners and I spent 20 mins in it while it was sitting stationary while 2 women fainted.

Eventually, I got back off and ran the rest of the way to the starting line & reached just on time.

The race

This race was special, because Eliud Kipchoge was running with us (yes, in the 10k).

They put me in Block D at the back (1h45m finish) and it was agonising trying to outrun the slow pokes and move ahead. The first 2 splits were spent trying to find openings to overtake them. After that it was much easier to run freely.

The weather was cool enough to be comfortable. The route was pretty scenic, passing next to some of the most well-known and beautiful landmarks of old Bangkok.

Scenic route of Amazing Thailand Marathon Bangkok 2024
Scenic route of Amazing Thailand Marathon Bangkok 2024

I was surprised to catch-up to Kipchoge (and the queen), around the 5th split and it was exhilarating passing them. It was nice to see that instead of showing-off and leaving everyone in the dust, he took it slow and let many people pass him. He certainly inspired me and hopefully thousands of others to push harder.

Unlike other 10ks, I did quite well, relatively, in the second half (buoyed by the presence of Kipchoge) and for the first time in my life, finished a 10k below 60 mins.

First sub 1 hour 10k
First sub 1 hour 10k

The Stats

I felt high from the race for the rest of the day (And next day).

A Year (And a bit more) in Comparison

Below, I did a comparison of my last six 10ks over a year.

MonthRunTime (hh:mm:ss)Energy (Kcal)Shoes
Dec ’23Amazing Thailand ’2301:10:33732Hoka Arahi 6
Mar ’24SWU Run together ’2401:01:45744Hoka Clifton 9
May ’24Bangkok Park Run01:03:58725Hoka Clifton 9
Aug ’24Run for Mom01:02:44721Hoka Clifton 9
Oct ’24Garmin Run Asia ’2401:03:02704Hoka Clifton 9
Dec ’24Amazing Thailand ’2400:59:47702Hoka Clifton 9
2023-2024 10k performance comparison

Having done a sub-60 mins 10k once, I want to do it again, many times.

Garmin Run Asia Series 2024

Recently, I participated in a 10k running event called Garmin Run Asia Series 2024. As the name says, it is organised by Garmin every year, in different cities, across Asia. This time, the Bangkok run was organised at Rajamangala Stadium, where I went a day before to collect the race pack.

Rajamangala Stadium on Race Pack collection day
Rajamangala Stadium on Race Pack collection day

The Run

Since the run started in the stadium, it had a sporty feel to it. However, outside the stadium, most of it was in the back-alleys behind.

It had rained the night before, so the weather was cool, although humid.

Overall, I didn’t find the run as well-organised as the others I have done before. I couldn’t see any pacers in our run, although the event page did say they would be there. Also, it was a bit scary running on roads with buses whizzing by at high speeds inches from you. Even though there were traffic cones, one slip on the wet roads would have sent someone under the buses.

Garmin Run Asia Series 2024 10k Heat Map
Garmin Run Asia Series 10k Heat Map

The Statistics

Unlike my previous runs where I go all-in for the first 5k and then sort of fizzle out, this time, I maintained a more or less steady pace throughout.

You can see how the heart rate was more or less steady, rather than a sine-wave like before.

Garmin Run Asia Series 2024 10k Heart Rate
Garmin Run Asia Series 10k Heart Rate

As always, my favourite part was riding back after the run and watch the sun rise. Bangkok is beautiful early in the mornings.

This was also my new watch’s first 10k, after I sold my older one.

12th August Half Marathon 2024

Recently, I participated in a 10k running event called 12th August Half Marathon 2024, also called “Run for mom“. It is organised on the Thai mother’s day every year on the birth day of Queen Sirikit, the Queen Mother of Thailand. The event is held at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center also bearing her name. It was my fourth 10k in Bangkok.

In previous runs one of my main problems was getting transport to the venue so early in the mornings. However, thanks to the motorcycle, it was not a problem this time.

The Run

Queen Sirikit National Convention Center
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center

The run was very well organised and started on time. This run also attracted some important people, including the governor and a handful of ambassadors. Coming from India, it was weird to watch them running with regular people and no security around.

The run was quite fun because we had to go over 3 flyovers and the last 2 had a view of the river, although it was a bit too dark.

Queen Sirikit National Convention Center
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center

The Statistics

12 August Half Marathon 2024 10k statistics
12 August Half Marathon 2024 10k statistics

I did slightly better than the last run, but still could not break the 1 hour barrier.

I made very good time for the first 5K, but kind of died after that.

Keeping in mind that I am not getting younger, I don’t think my performance will get significantly better anymore.

However, turning 40 next year, I would be among the youngest in the next age bracket.

This was also probably my watch’s last 10k, as it is at the end of its legs.

Bangkok 21K Park Run 2024

Recently, I participated in a running event called Bangkok 21K Park Run 2024. Even though the name says 21K, I participated in the 10k event, which was my third, ever.

Even though, in my last race, I had decided I would try to break the 1 hour barrier for the 10k, because of travel, excessive heat and medical issues preceding the run I was not able to prepare well. On top of that, monsoons started in Bangkok just a few days ago, so I was not sure whether the event would even take place. So, overall, I decided I would just enjoy the run without worrying about the performance.

Anyways, luck shone on us and there was no rain on the morning of the run.

Bangkok 21k Park Run 2024 starting line
Bangkok Park Run 2024 starting line

The run was in one of the most beautiful parks in Bangkok. If it wasn’t so far from here I live, I would got here regularly to run.

Bangkok 21k Park Run 2024 starting line
Bangkok Park Run 2024 starting line

The run itself was uneventful and enjoyable with great views of the park during sunrise.

Bangkok 21k Park Run 2024
Bangkok Park Run 2024

Considering I hadn’t prepared that well, I didn’t do too bad.

Bangkok 21k Park Run 2024 statistics
Bangkok 21k Park Run 2024 statistics

Will definitely do this run again next year.

SWU Run Together ‘24

Recently, I participated in a 10k running event organised by Srinakarinwirot University called SWU Run Together ‘24. It was my second 10k in Bangkok.

My last 10k didn’t go too well because my knees started seizing up around the 5km mark. Which was strange, because I regularly run more than that on Sundays without issues. So for this race, I re-evaluated my tactic. Instead of matching pace with everyone else and running slow, but consistent, I decided to run faster at my natural pace but slow myself to a walk for 50 metres every 500 metres.

Luckily, this tactic paid off and I finished the race with much better numbers than last time.

Amazing Thailand Marathon Bangkok 2023 statsSWU Run Together 2024 stats
Amazing Thailand vs SWU Run Together 2024 statistics
Amazing Thailand Marathon Bangkok 2023 splitsSWU Run Together 2024 splits
Amazing Thailand vs SWU Run Together ‘24 splits
Amazing Thailand Marathon Bangkok 2023 HR ZonesSWU Run Together 2024 HR Zones
Amazing Thailand vs SWU Run Together 2024 HR Zones

Overall, this run wasn’t as well organised as the last one (They couldn’t completely block traffic and we had to dodge between cars), but was more fun, because it included climbing up (and down) some flyovers and bridges over khlongs.

As you can see above, I finished the 10k almost 20 minutes before the last one. My heart rate also stayed consistently at the higher zones.

My only regret? Missing a sub 1 hour 10k by 48 seconds (As per the official race results; my watch started tracking early).

Maybe next time?

The shoes performed pretty well, too.

Running Part-3

This is Part 3 in continuation to my last post about running. The good news is, I have been able to follow my running schedule religiously over more than a year now. The only time I took a break was for a few days when I had the flu.

I have been able to increase my distance a bit since I started and am running around 18km a week.

My VO2 max has continued its upward trend, but still not reached 2021 levels and probably never will, because of age.

VO2 max from running
1 year VO2 max trend

I recently ran my first formal 10k in Bangkok, which was an exhilarating experience.

The only problem with participating in marathons in Bangkok is that they start very early (approx 2 AM for full, 4 AM for half and 5 AM for 10k). However, the atmosphere is electric, even early in the morning. There are mascots dancing, drones buzzing overhead and a live band playing.

Running among hundreds of people is a completely different experience compared to running alone. The distance goes by very fast and before you know it, the race is over.