Last week, I travelled to Malaysia for the second time. Malay is a tough language to crack. But one thing that makes it easy is that they use the same Latin script as English. So you can at least read the words. This is how I came across many Manglish (Malaysian English) words, which seem to be funny variations of standard English words.

By the way, these Manglish words are not only used as slang. They are part of official communication and signboards everywhere. Below are some of them I found funny
English Word/Phrase | Manglish Variant |
Station | Stesen |
Central | Sentral |
Minar (Sorry, I know) | Menara |
Restaurant | Restoran |
Clinic | Klinik |
Action | Ackshun/Ekseyen |
Is it? | Izzit? |
What to do | Watodo |
Lift | Lif |
Discount | Diskaun |
Cylinder | Silinder |
Mel | |
Project | Projek |
Operation | Operasi |
Security | Sekuriti |
Access | Akses |
Police | Polis |
Cabinet | Kabinet |
Utility | Utiliti |
System | Sistem |
Premises | Premis |
Parking | Parkir |
Canteen | Kantin |
Lobby | Lobi |
Pantry | Pantri |
Intercom | Interkom |
Telephone | Telefon |
Train | Tren |
Commuter | Komuter |
Procedure | Prosidur |
Coach | Koc |
Cantonment | Kentonmen |
Electric | Elektrik |
Gallery | Galeri |
Respiratory | Respiratori |
Philharmonic | Filharmonik |
Calorie | Kalori |
Express | Ekspres |
Escalator | Eskalator |
Museum | Muzium |
Zone | Zon |
Receipt | Resit |
Motorcycle | Motosikal |
Expo | Ekspo |
The | Teh |
Lorry | Lori |
Lamp | Lampu |
Monorail | Monorel |
Ticket | Tiket |
Minute | Minit |
Brake | Brek |
Commercial | Komersial |
Accessibility | Aksesibiliti |
Counter | Kaunter |
Immigration | Imigresen |
Customs | Kastam |
Bus | Bas |
Hose | Hos |
Account | Akaun |
Kiosk | Kios |