Wanderlust: Day trip to Prachinburi

Continuing my series, this is my latest road trip, to Prachinburi province.

Since I installed the CarPlay unit on my motorcycle, I had been eager to test it out on a day trip. The opportunity presented itself last Monday, when I just couldn’t bring myself to go to work. I took the day off and headed out on the highway towards Prachinburi province.

Bangkok to Prachinburi & back
Bangkok to Prachinburi & back

Total Distance: Approx 280 km

I left around 7:30 in the morning and immediately got caught up in morning rush hour traffic. Excruciatingly made my way out of Bangkok and was rewarded with beautiful tree-lined 2 lane roads similar to Nakhon Nayok.

Highway 3481 from Bangkok to Prachinburi
Highway 3481 from Bangkok to Prachinburi

The route follows the Bang Pakong river for much of the way and is dotted with ponds and lakes on both sides.

Next to a lake on highway 3481
Next to a lake on highway 3481

Khao Ito Waterfall

The approach road to the waterfall turns into a hilly forest-like area and is eerily quiet.

Approach road to Khao I To waterfall
Approach road to Khao I To waterfall

The waterfall itself is not touristy at all and has absolutely no facilities. On the brighter side, there are no entrance fees or parking fees.

At Khao I To waterfall
At Khao I To waterfall

There was a lone man at the waterfall, washing his clothes. And a few friendly dogs.

Man washing clothes at Khao I To waterfall
Man washing clothes at Khao I To waterfall

I spent around 30 minutes enjoying the peace and quiet and the washing of clothes) before I headed back.

Khao I To waterfall, Prachinburi
Khao I To waterfall, Prachinburi

I had a nice coffee here and then headed back home. Also, on the way back, my motorcycle crossed 2000km and officially finished its running in period, so I opened the throttle. I kept my speed between 90 kmph and 110 kmph and reached before the expected time.

Since this was the first day trip with the new CarPlay unit, I present an addendum to this post on how it performed.

CarPlay on motorcycle

Since I found out that Google Maps doesn’t support motorcycle directions on CarPlay, I decided to try Apple Maps instead. Here’s my feedback on the navigation experience

  1. The POI data on Apple Maps has improved vastly over the last few years. Still, I found myself double checking with Google Maps before leaving.
  2. Apple Maps/Google maps with “Toll Roads” and “Motorways” turned off provide almost the same directions in Thailand as Google Maps motorcycle navigation.
  3. With navigation, Wireless CarPlay, music streaming & location sharing, the battery drained (while connected to the motorcycle USB port) from
    • 94% to 81% over 2.5 hours on the way to Prachinburi
    • 71% to 58% over 2 hours on the way back
    • Approx 5% battery drain per hour – Not ideal, but not too bad.
  4. When I reached my destination, the phone had an overheating message, but I didn’t notice anything different on the CarPlay unit
iPhone overheated
iPhone overheated
  1. Apple Maps is much more beautiful to look at, with 3D structures on the map. Also, I really liked how the app switches to 2D and zooms in just before a turn. Also, I found the colours & graphics better than Google Maps.
Apple Maps with 3D buildings on CarPlay
Apple Maps with 3D buildings on CarPlay
  1. You have to make a conscious effort to not look at the display too long and focus on the road instead. Also, it is incredibly distracting using the touch screen while riding; I suggest stopping before using it.
  2. While connected to CarPay, Apple Music sends the audio to the CarPlay unit, not the AirPods. It can be overridden from the phone, but not from the unit itself. This means you can start music only from the phone, but can control it from the CarPlay unit later.

    An easy workaround to this is to connect your bluetooth headset to the CarPlay unit, not to the phone.
  3. There was an instance while coming back when the phone refused to connect to the CarPlay unit. I restarted the CarPlay unit, which didn’t do anything. Then I restarted the phone and it connected fine. I have seen this before with cars, too, so I blame the phone.
Apple CarPlay Error
Apple CarPlay Error

With festivals coming up, there may not be too many solo trips for the next few weeks.

Apple CarPlay on Meteor 350

As you know, I have been going on road trips infrequently & relying on Royal Enfield’s tripper navigation system for directions. Although, initially I was impressed by the simple nature of the tripper, eventually I found it a bit too simplistic for road trips. I took wrong turns one too many times and got lost. Overall, I must have spent many hours re-tracing my steps. Also, it was not compatible with my polarised sunglasses (Had to tilt my head to see).

Before my next trip, I decided to upgrade the navigation system on my Meteor 350. I initially considered dedicated units from Garmin and TomTom, but found them too expensive and the ongoing subscription fees too cumbersome.

Eventually, I found out that they make Apple CarPlay systems for motorcycles and decided on getting one.

Meteor 350 console before starting
Meteor 350 console

I did some research and found out that there are no “reputable” companies that make Apple CarPlay systems for motorcycles. However, there are many Chinese brands, all cheap as dirt. I decided to get one with the highest ratings on Lazada. It was so cheap, I had almost no expectations from it.

It came in a simplistic box with power cables and a mount.

My aims from this project were:

  1. Use the same power supply/cable as the tripper – Partial success
  2. Fit it in the same space as the tripper – Partial success

Bye Bye Tripper

The first step was getting rid of the Tripper. To give myself more space, I needed to remove the windshield first, which can be done using an Allen Key.

Removing the tripper from the Meteor 350 involves unscrewing 2 bolts, one of them the main handlebar bolt.

Unscrewing and screwing back the main handlebar bolt requires epic strength and I had to do it twice because the first time I forgot the washer.

Meteor 350 tripper removed
Meteor 350 tripper removed

Power supply

I really-really wanted to re-use the existing connector of the tripper to connect the new CarPlay unit, but the holes were too small to fit the cables in them. Also, I couldn’t find a matching male connector for the other side, seems proprietary.

Meteor 350 Tripper Power connector
Meteor 350 Tripper Power connector

It pained me to no extent to take a blade and chop off the connector; on a brand-new bike, possibly voiding the warranty.

Here. I also discovered that the Tripper supply had 3 wires, red, black and white. After different combinations, I realised

  1. Red-to-Red & Black-to-Black – Always ON : Not good
  2. White-to-Red & Black-to-Black – Power ON with ignition : What I wanted

I taped up the electrical carnage the best I could, but it felt dirty and a “jugaad“. So I went to an electrical store and purchased a cheap terminal block and connected the wires to that. Then I used copious amounts of acrylic sealant to waterproof it the best I could.

For good measure, I also wrapped it up with weatherproofing tape.

Mounting the unit

For me, the ideal situation would be if I could fit the unit in the same location as the Tripper, recessed inside. However, even with a 5″ display, the unit is a bit too big and must hover above the handlebars.

Also, it clashes with the classic/old-school aesthetics of the motorcycle.

Final result, from front (Apple Carplay on Meteor 350)
Final result, from front

The Unit

The unit itself seems to be incredible value for money. Apple CarPlay works as expected.

The display is relatively low-res which may be a good thing because I am concerned about battery drain on the phone.

The display is bright enough to be seen in full sunlight through sunglasses. Additionally, the brightness can be increased above the default.

The unit boots up within 5 seconds of Power ON and the phone automatically connects via Apple CarPlay within a few more seconds.

One strange thing is, the aspect ratio of the physical display and the aspect ratio of the beamed display are not exactly same; consequently, the Apple CarPlay UI seems a bit squished from the sides. It is barely noticeable and certainly not bothersome.

The worst thing to come out of this project is that Google Maps doesn’t seem to support motorcycle routes on Apple CarPlay (Or on Android Auto, it turns out).

Google Maps doesn't support motorcycle directions on Apple CarPlay
Google Maps doesn’t support motorcycle directions on Apple CarPlay

This means Google Maps and Apple Maps are now on equal footing for me. The workaround with both is to disable Toll Roads and Motorways and use car navigation.

Ongoing concerns

Some things I am concerned about, which only time will tell

  1. I am concerned whether the USB port that charges the phone (Nothing to do with this unit) can provide enough juice to keep the phone topped off during operation. Worst case, I am expecting wireless Apple CarPlay to consume more power than the charger can provide and the phone to eventually discharge over a trip.
  2. Only time will tell how rugged the unit is – Concerns are temperature, vibrations and water resistance. Even if it lasts 1 year, it would be worth the monies.
  3. I am not at all confident about how good a job I did with the waterproofing the terminal block. Of course, I may have void the warranty on the motorcycle already by snipping the wires.

Overall, excited to test this out during my next trip!

Wanderlust: Day trip to River Khwae Bridge, Kanchanaburi

Continuing my series, this is my latest road trip, to River Khwae Bridge, in Kanchanaburi province.

The Bridge Over the River Kwai

The Bridge over the River Kwai is part of the infamous Death Railway that was constructed during World War II.

The bridge was built by the Japanese to support their military campaigns. Over 60,000 Allied prisoners of war and 200,000 Asian laborers were forced into backbreaking labor under brutal conditions to build this railway. The construction resulted in an enormous loss of life, earning the railway its grim nickname.

The bridge itself became an iconic part of this story, tragically immortalized in the 1957 film “The Bridge on the River Kwai” which brought international attention to the horrifying conditions endured by the workers.

Bangkok to River Khwae Bridge and Back
Bangkok to River Khwae Bridge and Back

Total Distance: Approx 340 km

The Trip

This trp was not planned in advance. However, I couldn’t sleep well the night before and after wasting many hours doing nothing, I decided to make a day trip out of it.

I left at 7 in the morning and didn’t encounter much traffic leaving Bangkok. The highway 338 to Kanchanaburi wasn’t as intimidating as Pattaya or Ayuthaya. In fact, it felt like most Indian highways.

Meteor 350 on Highway 338 from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi
Meteor 350 on Highway 338 from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi

Things got better through the trip, the roads within Kanchanaburi criss-crossing small villages with ponds around them.

Meteor 350 near a village pond
Meteor 350 near a village pond

I stopped only once on my way there and it took me 2.5 hours to cover the 170km distance.

At the bridge itself, there were not too many tourists, just one Japanese group.

River Khwae Bridge, Kanchanaburi
River Khwae Bridge, Kanchanaburi
River Khwae from the bridge, Kanchanaburi
River Khwae from the bridge, Kanchanaburi

After pending some time at the bridge, I went to the Starbucks at TMK Park, Kanchanaburi for a snack and a coffee.

A funny train at Kanchanaburi
A funny train at Kanchanaburi

Fun Return Trip

The return trip was much more adventurous. First I did what I always do and accidentally entered a motorway; requiring me to back-track for many kilometres. When I did get on the right route, it started raining heavily, and I had to stop. I started again when the rain stopped, but it started raining again and I had to stop for the second time.

After waiting for a while, I realised that if I keep stopping like this, I won’t get home, so I powered through the rain. It was exhilarating riding at 80 kmph on a 2 lane road during heavy rain.

Soon, the rain stopped and the sun came out in full force, burning my skin because the rain had washed away the sun block. I went through 2 such cycles of wet-dry, but my shoes and socks remained wet throughout.

Eventually, I reached Bangkok via Chinatown, completely filthy and was glad to take a shower.

This was one of the best road trip I ever had and I look forward to doing it again in the future.

Wanderlust: Half-Day trip to Ayuthaya

Continuing my series, this is a recent road trip, to Ayuthaya. I did this trip because Wanderlust suddenly struck me, but it was too late in the day to go any further.

Ayuthaya: A Glimpse into History

Founded in 1350, it served as the second Siamese capital after Sukhothai. The city flourished as a major trading post and diplomatic hub, connecting the East and West through maritime routes. Its strategic location along the Chao Phraya River made it an essential nexus for international commerce. By the end of the 17th century, Ayuthaya had become one of the world’s largest urban areas and cosmopolitan centers.

Ayuthaya is famous for its impressive ruins of temples, monasteries, and statues of immense historical and cultural value. The cityscape is dotted with towering prangs (reliquary towers) and stupas that are quintessential to Thai architecture.

I had been here before, but I wanted to make the short trip on motorcycle.

Bangkok to Ayuthaya & back
Bangkok to Ayuthaya & back

Total Distance: Approx 170km

The Trip

I left after a heavy lunch, around noon. The initial route within the city was same as Nakhon Nayok, once out of the city, it was similar to the highway to Pattaya. I was always a bit stressed that I would unknowingly stray on to the motorway where motorcycles are not allowed.

Meteor 350 on the highway from Bangkok to Ayuthaya
Meteor 350 on the highway from Bangkok to Ayuthaya

The highway was dotted with big factories each giving off a different smell, some really pungent. All concrete, no greenery to speak of.

One thing I noticed during this trip that the Sump Guard which I had installed recently is reflecting more engine noise towards me. I am not exactly sure whether I would keep it or get rid of it.

Sump Guard on Royal Enfield Meteor 350
Sump Guard on Royal Enfield Meteor 350

I did the entire trip in one go. At Ayuthaya, I just drove around the city aimlessly without stopping.

Meteor 350 near a Stupa at Ayuthaya
Meteor 350 near a Stupa at Ayuthaya

On the way back, I ran into some drizzle, so stopped at a Gas station for a few minutes. Luckily it was over soon and I returned home on time.

Meteor 350 at a Bang Chak gas station
Meteor 350 at a Bang Chak gas station

Overall, not a very pleasant motorcycling trip.

Retro Computing: Windows 98 SE/Setup

Continuing my adventures with UTM SE, the first thing I did was run Windows 98 SE Setup.

Windows 98 SE was the first OS on my first computer, so this was a huge trip in nostalgia. I made an ISO from my old and scratched Windows 98 SE disk, mounted it in UTM SE and let it boot.

Windows 98 SE, Start Computer with CD ROM Support
Windows 98 SE, Start Computer with CD ROM Support

The boot screen sent me into throes of nostalgia. So did the next steps.

I could feel myself going crazy when the setup GUI came up.

Windows 98 Setup, To begin Setup, click Continue
Windows 98 Setup, To begin Setup, click Continue

I got stuck for a while here because I couldn’t make my keyboard and mouse work. Eventually, I figured out that I needed to disable support for USB peripherals and I could continue.

After the first reboot, I was presented with the famous “first time” Windows 98 boot splash screen. Another huge dose of nostalgia.

Microsoft Windows 98, Getting Ready to run Windows for the first time
Microsoft Windows 98, Getting Ready to run Windows for the first time

The second phase of the setup is (was) my favourite. I especially like the part with the beating drums animation.

Eventually, after an hour and 50% of my iPad’s battery, setup was complete and it booted into Windows.

More to come, soon.

Wanderlust: Bangkok Motorcycle Rides Part 1

Continuing my series, below are some motorcycle rides I generally do within Bangkok. These are when I only have a few hours, but still need to fulfil my wanderlust. What better way than to explore the city I have been living in for more than 3 years, but have hardly explored?

Chao Phraya River Ride

Bangkok Motorcycle Rides : Chao Phraya River ride
Bangkok Motorcycle Rides : Chao Phraya River ride

Approx 30 kms

Krungthep Bridge, PC Preecha.MJ 

This is probably my favourite ride (Till now). I cross the Asok intersection to Ratchadaphisek Road and take the flyovers to Rama 3 road. I take the scenic section next to the river past Terminal 21. Past it, I cross the river on the Krungthep bridge, parallel to Rama III bridge, turn north and then back east crossing the river for the second time over the much bigger King Taksin the great bridge. Then cross Sathorn, Lumpini Park and back home.

King Taksin the great bridge, PC: Anil Kaushik

The entire ride is less than 1 hour and provides a good boost of feel-good.

Suvarnahbhumi Loop

Sukhumvit to Suvarnabhumi Loop
Sukhumvit to Suvarnabhumi Loop

Approx 65 kms

This is a slightly longer ride I do when I want to grab a coffee and also do a ride. I take new Phetchaburi Road, then turn on to Srinagarindra Road where I follow the Yellow Line Monorail, till I reach Bang na-Trat road and turn left.

Meteor 350 on Srinagarindra Road
Meteor 350 on Srinagarindra Road

I generally go to this Starbucks on the highway, have a coffee and make a loop around the airport and come back via a different route.

Starbucks ATT U Park
Starbucks ATT U Park

Alien : Romulus

Alien : Romulus

My Expectations : 5/10
My Rating : 8/10

Alien: Romulus (2024) on IMDb

I had been looking forward to Alien : Romulus with high expectations for a long time. However, I tempered my expectations down by a lot after watching the boring teaser trailer. Thankfully, the trailer was not an accurate representation of the movie.

Movies in the Alien franchise all had varied themes over the years.

  • Ridley Scott’s original was a horror/survival movie.
  • James Cameron’s Aliens was a typical Hollywood action movie.
  • Ridley Scott’s Prometheus and Alien: Covenant had philosophical undertones. Prometheus is still my favourite movie in the franchise.
  • The less said about the remaining movies, the better

Alien : Romulus goes back to the basics and is a horror survival movie. Thankfully, the movie is excellent and doesn’t disappoint.

Spoiler Alert

The movie starts with a Weyland-Yutani ship retrieving the Xenomorph from the first movie from the wreck of the Nostromo.

Cut to present-day, we are introduced to Rain (The female protagonist of this movie) and her android brother Andy who their parents had retrieved from the trash, where he was discarded by the company. He has internal malfunctions, which make him equivalent to an autistic in humans and is prone to sensory overloads. They live in Jackson’s Star mining colony, which is a hellscape they are desperate to escape.

An opportunity to move to another star system appears, but to do that, they need to enter cryogenic sleep and to do that, they need to steal cryo-pods from the derelict twin spacecrafts called Romulus-Remus.

It looks like a simple enough mission as they enter Remus and quickly locate the cryo-pods. However, the cryo-pods are low on fuel and to get more fuel, they need to go deeper into the spacecraft. You know immediately that things are going to go wrong soon.

Long story short, they trigger the thawing of facehuggers that the evil company had been growing, one of whom impregnates one of their crew. The rest of the movie is typical Alien fare with the humans getting picked-off by the Xenomorphs one-by-one.

Worth Mentioning

  1. It was good to see a clone of Ash, from the original Alien movie, played by a cgi-ed  Ian Holm.
  2. It was good to see a bit more of the Xenomorph life-cycle, especially between the chestburster and full-Xenomorph stage, shedding its organic skin and replacing its cells with polarised silicon.
  3. I liked the parallel with Aliens where having almost reached their escape craft, the female protagonist goes back all the way to save one more.
  4. The scene where the ship is in zero-g and they have to float through swirling globs of acid-blood was great.
  5. The Xeno-human was terrifying in appearance, especially the scene where it is nursing on its dead human mother/host.
  6. The relatively lesser-known cast acted well.

Overall, I am very happy to have seen that Fede Álvarez didn’t disappoint and made an actually good (and terrifying) movie.

12th August Half Marathon 2024

Recently, I participated in a 10k running event called 12th August Half Marathon 2024, also called “Run for mom“. It is organised on the Thai mother’s day every year on the birth day of Queen Sirikit, the Queen Mother of Thailand. The event is held at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center also bearing her name. It was my fourth 10k in Bangkok.

In previous runs one of my main problems was getting transport to the venue so early in the mornings. However, thanks to the motorcycle, it was not a problem this time.

The Run

Queen Sirikit National Convention Center
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center

The run was very well organised and started on time. This run also attracted some important people, including the governor and a handful of ambassadors. Coming from India, it was weird to watch them running with regular people and no security around.

The run was quite fun because we had to go over 3 flyovers and the last 2 had a view of the river, although it was a bit too dark.

Queen Sirikit National Convention Center
Queen Sirikit National Convention Center

The Statistics

12 August Half Marathon 2024 10k statistics
12 August Half Marathon 2024 10k statistics

I did slightly better than the last run, but still could not break the 1 hour barrier.

I made very good time for the first 5K, but kind of died after that.

Keeping in mind that I am not getting younger, I don’t think my performance will get significantly better anymore.

However, turning 40 next year, I would be among the youngest in the next age bracket.

This was also probably my watch’s last 10k, as it is at the end of its legs.

Why do NRIs and PIOs become pricks?

This article is about how my friends became NRIs and PIOs and went from decent people to being the biggest pricks ever. To start off with, some definitions:

NRI – Non-Resident Indian. Basically an Indian living abroad while still holding Indian citizenship. Prick Level 1.

PIO – Person of Indian Origin. Basically a person born an Indian citizenship, who has since taken up citizenship in another country. Prick Level 2.

I have already written about NRIs in general, this post is specifically how my friends turned into pricks once they moved abroad.

Prick 1

I have written about Prick 1 before. Even though our relationship was strained after he failed to get me into a Ponzi scheme, we used to text frequently and were friendly. Then came the big Australia PR exodus and he left to live in Australia and cut off more or less all contact with me. We still kept in touch, but it was one-sided. He replies to my texts, but has never contacted me on his own, not once in the last 10 years. But at least he replies, which is more than I can say about the next one.

Prick 2

Prick 2 and I used to be colleagues and really good friends. We frequently met outside work and our families knew each other well. We shared details of our personal lives with each other. Then came the big Australia PR exodus and he left to live in Australia and cut off more or less all contact with me. But unlike Prick 1, Prick 2 went one step further and refused to even respond to my messages. He does read messages, just doesn’t bother to reply. One day, out of the blue, I received a call from him saying that he’s in Delhi and if I wanted the honour of meeting him, I would have to come over within the next hour or lose the opportunity. What “friend”, calls someone to meet on the last day of their trip within a 1 hour time slot?

But still not the biggest prick in this list.

Also, Prick 1 and Prick 2 were friends with each other in India, too, now both live in Sydney but avoid each other at all costs.

Prick 3

To be honest, Prick 3 was a prick from the day he was born (Probably because he was from Chandigarh), but his prickliness touched new heights once he moved to Australia (I see a pattern here). He was my senior and a roommate in college and we lost touch afterwards. I made an effort to re-establish contact in recent years. Unfortunately, soon, he planned a trip to Bangkok and asked to meet. From the second I met him, his behaviour was grotesque. Below are some gem dialogues I got to hear

  1. Scurvy I know you live in Thailand and that is nice and all, but you must make an effort to move to a developed country. There’s no comparison.
  2. I worked on Wall Street for many years. You know, like in the movies.
  3. This club in Bangkok weren’t letting us in, till we flashed our AU/US passports and at that point they fell on our feet.
  4. I hate it when people call me Indian. I am Australian, not Indian.
  5. There’s going to be rain tonight and I am afraid my pools may overflow (Proceeds to call wife to drain the pool many times).
  6. You know I have 2 houses in Sydney.
  7. You know I have 3 cars. One of them is 2-seater.
  8. Ew, your locality feels like Pune.

Prick 4

Prick 4 is still a good friend of mine. But he is kind of a prick now. Prick 4 moved to UK many years ago and although he was not as bad as Prick 1 or 2 or 3, we sort of lost touch. This was till the day Prick 4 and his wife (who is also our friend) received their UK citizenships. That was the only time in many years he contacted me on his own ad had a proper conversation. He also claims not to remember much of his life in India including our time spent together.

Of course, not everyone changes this way. For every Prick, there are the decent ones who also live abroad and don’t have all the attitude in the world.

Recently I got to thinking why some NRIs and PIOs become pricks. Why do some Indians change so drastically once they leave the country? I can think of the following reasons:

  1. Rising from a life in a garbage dump to living in a developed country overwhelms them so much, they lose their minds.
  2. They like showing off their lifestyle to others and get a dopamine hit when people acknowledge it.
  3. They went to show that they are better than others (especially the people still “stuck” in India).

The Photo Sharing Conundrum

To give you a bit of background on where this is coming from: I was into photography in the 2010s. To the point where I had a camera, multiple lenses and more assorted kit. Eventually I sold all of it, but I still like taking pictures today. This article is about how I struggled with photo sharing on the internet, especially recently. A timeline below, interspersed with completely unrelated photos:

Phase 1: 2004 to Oct 2023 : Flickr

blurred shimmering lights in cafe at night
Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV on Pexels.com

As long as I remember, I have been a loyal user of Flickr. At first, I used to use it as a service to backup and store my photos and share them with family. With the advent of more private cloud storage services, I moved that function to OneDrive and eventually iClown. Still, I kept my Flickr around to share photos publicly.

For most of these 2 decades, I paid for a Flickr Pro membership, too. Although in the initial days it was not required, I paid to support the service and get rid of advertisements. Eventually, they put a 1000 photo limit for free accounts & I was forced to go Pro. Overall though, Flickr has been good to me. It has consistently surfaced my photos in search results and they have been used on almost hundred websites including Wikipedia.

Last year, I started to question why I was paying for this service. It is not like I was earning anything from sharing my photos, they were openly licensed to anyone who wanted to use them. So I decided to take the drastic step of moving away from Flickr.

Phase 2: Oct 2023 to Oct 2023 : Photo Blog

close up photo of mining rig
Photo by panumas nikhomkhai on Pexels.com

I decided to make my own photo blog and host my photos on it. I chose WordPress as my platform because of how ubiquitous it is. As you may know, WordPress natively is not a photo sharing CMS, but there are plugins that can help. I decided to move away from the album format of Flickr and post my photos as part of posts.

I spent a lot of time sifting through my photos and narrowing them down to 2200 photos I deemed worthy of the blog.

It took me 6-7 hours of work everyday for a week to finally put everything up. Time consuming tasks include:

  1. Setting the correct Title and Description for each photo
  2. Setting the correct Caption and Alt Text for each photo
  3. Geotagging photos where location information was missing
  4. Writing posts about the photos
  5. Renaming files
  6. Adjusting the posts for good SEO

And then I made the mistake of restoring a backup for my web hosting (Not knowing it restores all websites) and lost everything.

Phase 3: Oct 2023 to Nov 2023 : Flickr Part 2

person holding lighter
Photo by Kobe – on Pexels.com

Devastated at having lost my blog because of one erroneous click, I decided I couldn’t go through with doing all that one more time and went back to Flickr. Of course, I had deleted my account already, so had to start from scratch.

It took me 6-7 hours everyday for a week to get everything posted on Flickr. Time consuming tasks include:

  1. Setting the correct Title and Description for each photo
  2. Geotagging photos where location information was missing
  3. Sorting photos into albums
  4. Adding photos into groups for visibility

It was nice while it lasted, but within a few weeks, I started to miss my photo blog. Two factors (in de ja vu format) led me to the next steps

  1. Why am I paying for a Flickr Pro subscription when I am not earning anything from it?
  2. Why am I relying on a 3rd party service when I can have my own photo blog.

So I went ahead and deleted my Flickr account, yet again.

Phase 4: Nov 2023 to December 2023 : Photo Blog Part 2

data codes through eyeglasses
Photo by Kevin Ku on Pexels.com

I spent a lot of time sifting through my photos and narrowing them down to 2200 photos I deemed worthy of the blog.

It took me 6-7 hours of work everyday for a week to finally put everything up. Time consuming things include

  1. Setting the correct Title and Description for each photo
  2. Setting the correct Caption and Alt Text for each photo
  3. Geotagging photos where location information was missing
  4. Writing posts about the photos
  5. Renaming files
  6. Adjusting the posts for good SEO

Then I had to go back and ask the people who has previously subscribed to my blog to subscribe again. Embarrassing as fuck. The honeymoon period lasted all of 2 weeks.

Eventually, I began to notice that the traffic on my photo blog was not as per my expectations. Eventually, I found out that search engines were not indexing my photos. In fact, Bing straight up blocked my domain. I request an appeal but it was denied.

After consulting with the wise people of Reddit, I came to the conclusion that WordPress is not good for photo SEO and nothing could beat Flickr when it came to indexing photos on search engines.

So I deleted my blog, yet again.

Phase 5: January 2024 to January 2024 : Flickr Part 3

row of shiny candles near glass wall
Photo by Erkam Hayta on Pexels.com

On my third Flickr account, it took me 6-7 hours everyday for a week to get everything posted on Flickr. Time consuming tasks include:

  1. Setting the correct Title and Description for each photo
  2. Geotagging photos where location information was missing
  3. Sorting photos into albums
  4. Adding photos into groups for visibility

Voila! I had to wait a few weeks, but eventually my photos began to appear on search engines again.

It was nice while it lasted, but within a few weeks, I started getting disillusioned with Flickr. Two factors led me to the next steps

  1. Why am I paying for a Flickr Pro subscription when Iam not earning anything from it?
  2. Why am I relying on a 3rd party service when I can have my own photo blog.

So I went ahead and deleted my Flickr account, yet again.

Phase 6: April 2024 to May 2024 : Piwigo

Free computer server room image

This time I decided that I won’t use WordPress for my photo sharing, so did a lot of research and narrowed it down to Lychee and Piwigo. I couldn’t get Lychee installed, so decided to go with Piwigo. I immediately ran across a few problems

  1. The interface was dated and the theme selection was limited
  2. There was no SEO to speak of, even with plugins
  3. Like all Open Source software (But unlike WordPress), it required a lot of tinkering in PHP to get it to work correctly .

Thankfully, I didn’t waste time posting 2200 photos, rather posted just 2 albums to see how they perform.

After waiting for a few weeks, I realised that my photos weren’t appearing on search engines and decided to scrap it.

Phase 7: May 2024 to May 2024 : Unsplash

man people art girl
Photo by Sohail Nawaz on Pexels.com

Someone on Reddit recommended me Unsplash so I decided to use it. Again, thankfully, I only uploaded 2 albums. Unsplash is a beast when it comes to surfacing photos. I was receiving likes within minutes and had up to 100 downloads in 48 hours for 20 photos.

Unsplash seemed like a dopamine dream come true, until I read their licensing. Long story short, Unsplash lets anyone do whatever they want with your photos without requiring attribution. I may have been OK with it, till I read horror stories from photographers about their photos being used on other platforms, while being attributed to someone else. This was a deal breaker for me, so I deleted my Unsplash account.

Phase 8: May 2024 to June 2024 : Wikimedia Commons

By this time, I was dead tired of doing the same things over and over again, so I decided to take a step back and list down what I wanted and what I didn’t want:

  1. I did not want to earn money from my photos.
  2. I did not want to the dopamine fix of likes and comments.
  3. I did not want to share personal photos and did not want an image storage platform.
  4. I did not want to pay for hosting my photos.
  5. I did want my photos to be indexed by search engines.
  6. I did want my photos to be used freely by others, but with attribution.

When. I thought long and hard around the above requirements, the answer came to me. Wikimedia Commons, one of the most extensive media repositories ever.

I was already an occasional contributor to Wikipedia, I could just extend my contributions from articles to media. Many of my photos have already been uploaded to Wikipedia (and consequently wikimedia) by others, I just had to complete the collection.

It took me around 10 days, working 6-7 hours a day to put around 2200 photos to Wikimedia. Time consuming tasks include

  1. Setting the correct copyright & license information for each photo
  2. Setting the correct Title, Caption & Description for each photo
  3. Assigning photos to the correct category (Quite tricky with nested and overlapping categories)
  4. Assigning depictions to each photo

Finally, when it was done, I heaved a sigh of relief and promised myself not to do this all over ever again. Indeed, even if I wanted to, there’s no easy way to mass delete my photos from Wikimedia Commons.

In fact, once you upload photos, there’s no temptation (or a way) to see stats, likes or comments. Luckily, 1 month in, I don’t regret doing this.

Earth bound misfit, I