Look who’s here!!

Is it a bird?
Is it an Airplane???
No!!!! It’s Groong!!!
Hails from Gangtok and studies Architecture in Nagpur.
Dresses up like a hip-hop artist but wields the guitar very well. He is generally nocturnal but sometimes finds it necessary to produce some vitamins and hence exposes himself to sunlight. Eats whenever he feels hungry and spends his allowance within the first 5 days of the month and then lives on borrowed stuff. Bathes whenever fellow hostelites throw him out. Is famous for his wierd haridos and piercings. Disappears for months from the face of the earth, nowhere to be found just to be seen one day in the hostel as if he never left. Overall a friendly and nice person.

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9 thoughts on “Look who’s here!!”

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Scurvy Dawg, you’re funny. This is one of the few best blogs in the blogworld.

  2. Check my Blog for some religious fanatics.Check all my comment sections.THey are against Letter with no Address,my poem in the blog.

  3. Dictionary push·up (pʊsh’ŭp’) n.An exercise for strengthening arm muscles and the spinal erectors ,performed by lying face down with the palms on the floor, and pushing the body up and down with the arms.push ups have been used as a means of strengthening the arms,the back and the chest by boxers since the time the sport has existed in a civilised manner(london boxer prizefight rules and queensbury rules)…if you ask any boxer worth a dime ..i am sure the answers will be quite similar..all the real power comes of the hips and the back…the chest and the arms aint got shit to do with it..want an example check out paulie ayala ,the former featherweight champ…aint got arms or chest worth shit but when he punches it stay’s punched!!training and strengthening the back and shoulders is the second most important exercise…body conditioning being the first!

  4. You have an amazing flair for writing. The humor is very subtle and you have a good knack of sarcasm.

Talk to the dawg, yo

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