
Yesterday was a day of adventures. College was cancelled because of some cultural function the night before. Woke up at 12 in the afternoon, summoned Orko to come for lunch, then me, him and Neeraj had south indian lunch. There, we planned to go karting. We asked others but noone was interested. So at around 3, we set off for the place which is around 25 kms from Nagpur. Thumping at a steady 70 at NH 69, we accidently overshot the place by around 25 kms. We turned back and finally arrived at the place. It was deserted. After much bargaining and haggling, the deal came out to be 10 laps each for a total of 900. The cars were flimsy but fast. Halfway through my second lap, turning at a speed of around 50, my kart spun and blew the clutchplate. Anyways, after much interruptions(including dogs running after us at the tracks!!), we all completed our laps. We left just as darkness sunk in towards Nagpur. We arrived at around 7:30, went to Poonam Chambers for rolls. after that, we returned home. I was so tired, I couldn’t wait to lie down on my bed when Tak called and asked me to join him for some nighttime adventure. Even after my constant refusals, he won’t take a NO for an answer. I picked up Orko from the hostel and we went to the orchards to steal Oranges. We were 10 people on 5 bikes, riding along the highway with the headlights off looking for good orange trees. Finally, we found a farm which was loaded with oranges. 3 of us provided a lookout while the others climbed over the wire fence and stole oranges. After filling our bags to the brim, we started our bikes, and shouting and singing, we left the spot when midway, we realised that 2 of the bags were empty. We went back to the same spot and repeated the previous maneuver. This time we also filled our t-shirts and shirts with oranges. Again, we left shouting and after dropping Orko at the hostel, came home and immediately fell asleep.

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4 thoughts on “Adventure!”

  1. Yeah! Just imagine driving on a pitch black road at 2 in the night without your headlights!!! Experience of a lifetime

  2. it’s on the koradi road.. national highway 69. its around 25 kms n on the left of the highway.. there’s a huge poster of sachin tendulkar just before it.. I don;t know if it’s still there or not.. I went there years ago.

Talk to the dawg, yo

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