Happy Birthday Vishal!!

Happy Birthday dude!!! I think it was 2002 we last met. You moved to some other country and were lost without trace. I have tried in vain to find you over the last so many years. Tried everything but you seem to have vanished off the face of the earth or at least the internet. I still remember your birthday though and wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Cheers to all the fun time we had together!!! Miss your dog jeanie, your playstation and most of all you!!

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11 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Vishal!!”

  1. You mean in Nagpur? It’s because they prefer movies like 40 Year Old Virgin, Music & Lyrics.

  2. Sometime last year you wrote a crafty post about wannabes. I can’t find it anymore. Where is it?

  3. The only reason I haven’t watched rocky pirated yet is that I want to see it in the theater the proper way.. But it still ain’t here..

  4. Rocky Balboa was nice, sweet and slow, except for the final fight sequence which kept me at the edge of my chair.Wanna spoil the plot for you , but you have waited for this too long . Enjoy the movie(if it ever comes to Nagpur).

  5. man rocky ain’t hip n happening nomore. rocky’s too old man. today’s youngstas prefr young characters in lead rolz.

  6. Ha! ha! Luckily anonymous, I’m not a “youngsta”. I am just a person who appreciates good movies. Youngstas and gangstas like you are welcome to see movies with young men in lead roles..

Talk to the dawg, yo

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