Tag Archives: Deja Vu

My Worst Purchases-iPad Pro 11”

Continuing with my series, the next entry in the list is the iPad Pro 11”.

iPad Pro 11″, PC: Wikipedia

So it had been only a few days since my last folly and the palms of my hands started itching already. So I decided to buy the iPad Pro 11″. I justified it by telling myself I deserved it for my birthday.

This time I didn’t get the Smart Folio Keyboard. I again got the 512Gb version with cellular. Like before, I ran out of money so I couldn’t justify buying the Apple Pencil.

I got into a feverish rage on my birthday and woke up early to stand outside the still-closed store to buy one.

This one was just the right size and OK for one handed use. Like before, the device was gorgeous in every way. The body was awesome and the display was mind blowing.

By the second day, I started having serious misgivings about what I had done. All day, I tried coming up with use-cases for the iPad, but came up empty. This time, I even considered buying a Mirrorless camera to use the iPad as an image processor. Luckily, that moment passed without more expenses.

On the third day I bought the Apple Pencil but it failed to spark any creativity from within me.

By the fourth day, I realized that the device was more suited to professionals and people with creative hobbies and I could do nothing with it. I promptly listed it for sale and sold it the next day to someone at a significant loss. After that I slapped myself on the face 13 times.

Deja Vu, some very wierd experiences

This seems straight out of the Final Destination movies. Today when I was sleeping in the afternoon, I had a vivid dream that I was in the CERN large Hadron Collider making some repairs with some other people when it strikes that if someone wants, they can switch it ON with me inside it and there’s nothing I can do about it. Now, the large Hadron Collider is a circular tunnel located 100m underground and has a circumference of 27km and used to conduct particle physics experiments. The weirdest part is that after I woke up and started reading the newspaper, the collider was mentioned the international section. It was sort of very strange. It’s certainly not a popular news item so why should it be in the newspaper on the same day I am dreaming about it? Also, even though I had read of the collider long ago somewhere in some novel, I hadn’t heard of it recently. I vividly remember that in my dream, I asked someone how long the tunnel is and he told me approx. 17 miles and I even calculated how long it would take us to circle it completely on foot. Now, when I came to office and looked up the collidor in wikipedia, it’s circumference was mentioned as 27km. When I convert this to miles, 27km= 27*0.621371192 = 16.7 miles!!! Which is almost the same as in my dream. Now, however long ago I had read of the collider, there’s no way I could have remembered this statistical detail and even then, it’s almost right.

Also, going through wikipedia I learnt that the first attempt to circulate a beam through the entire LHC is scheduled for September 10, 2008, only a few days from today. Creepy!!

Today in office I was walking through the second floor having just vended a couple of Perk chocolates from the vending machine when I felt the impulse to sing the song “Pour some sugar on me”. After I reached my desk and signed on to gtalk, I saw that one of my friend’s status was “Pour some sugar on me”!!! This really freaked me out!!!

What this means, I have no idea. If I go by the final destination movie rules, maybe I am about to really visit the collider on the 10th by some freak chance and the Def Leppard band members will switch it on and I will be bombarded with sub-atomic particles and meet my fate.. Maybe travel in time. Maybe I will even mutate into a superhero.. But certainly I will keep a lookout for more of these freak coincidences