Tag Archives: Heartleaf Philodendron

Home Garden – My Philodendron

I inherited a money plant (a type of philodendron) from my parents when they moved to to a different city. I re-potted it into a much bigger pot, mixed and matched it with a few different species which resulted in the below.

Philodendron Cluster

This pot is neatly tucked away between my bedroom window and the air conditioner, and has three different plants.

The big, dark green leaves belong to a species of Golden Pothos, which has only 4/5 leaves per plant right now, but are bigger than average money plant leaves, about the size of a ternager’s hand. One cut of this plant also lives in the middle pot of the bottom row of my plant wall.

The smaller, dark green leaves belong to another species of Golden Pothos, which most people can relate to as the common money plant.

The smaller, light green leaves belong to a species of Heartleaf Philodendron. Two cuts of this plant also live in the left and right pots of the bottom row of my plant wall.

View from bedroom

You can cut off branches and pot them and they grow into full-sized plants, as long as there’re some roots left.

These plants require little to no maintenance. The only thing I do occasionally is use cable ties to prop up its branches and attach them to the moss stick. Eventually, the cable ties can be removed once the plants roots burrow into the moss stick.

This pot is kept in partial shade and the plants get 2/3 hours of sunlight late afternoons during the summers and no direct sunlight during the winters.

I water them once a week during the winters and alternate days during the summers. Although they don’t require much fertiliser, I fertilise them every 2 months, which encourages leaf growth.

Here’re some good tools which will help you with your gardening.

Home Garden – Plant Wall

I got this expandable plant wall from Amazon. It was relatively cheap and I had an empty wall outside my balcony.

Plant Wall
My Plant Wall

Took me an hour to install, and a quick shopping trip to the nearest nursery to get plants for it.

The top row has 3 Dumbcane plants.

The middle row has 3 Crown of Thorns.

The bottom row has 3 Golden Pothos (A Money plant with light coloured leaves), the middle one also has a Heartleaf Philodendron which is a different variety of money plant with bigger & darker leaves. Also, their tips are a vibrant orange/red before they spout leaves.

All the plants are in partial shade.

All the plants are very low maintenance, but especially the cacti, which require next to no water or maintenance. Still they bloom all year round with pretty little flowers.

I water them all between once a week during peak winters and alternate days during peak summers. For the shrubs, only a few ml at a time.
I fertilise them all once every 2 months.

Next on the list would be to expand it a bit during the summers. Maybe alternate the small and big plants so that the bigger ones get more sunlight.

Here’re some good tools which will help you with your gardening.