I wrote about Thai people before. After living here 7 months now, I present a new & updated collection of Thai quirks; things only Thais do (As far as I know).

- Women adding “Ka” or “Na Ka” to the end of every sentence, even in formal communication.
- Men adding “Krub” to the end of every sentence, even in formal communication.
- It is very common for Thai women to marry visiting European/American men. I know countless such cases personally. However, the opposite (with Thai men & foreign women) is not common.
- Unquestionable devotion to The Monarchy.
- Most Thai women (can and do) drink a lot.
- Submissive nature.
- Never being under foreign occupation.
- Calling the building manager as “Juristic Person”.
- Having religious shrines in front of every office, mall or residential building with coloured fizzy drinks.
- Being an Asian powerhouse despite so many military coups & lack of an elected government over the years.
- Rarely cooking food at home. Most meals are from outside. Some Thai homes don’t even have a proper kitchen.
- Hosting prostitution so openly, while it being technically illegal.