Exams Over..

Well, exams are finally over. So here we are, lazing around in the evening with nothing in mind. So what do we do? We head out for a long drive of course. There’s nothing like a long drive to refresh your mind and uplift your spirits.
So, off we went to Wardha Road at a steady speed of 50 kmph. I have to say that driving at a speed of 50-60 is much more enjoyable than going crazy and twisting the throttle off. We drove for about 60 kilometres, stopped at a dhaba and ate like pigs. We had paneer parathas, curd and lots of butter. After we were almost bursting at our seams, we started our journey back. At this point, the cold almost killed me as I was without a jacket wearing just a measly sweater.Got back to Nagpur in an hour to have hot coffee at shanky. Also clocked 30,000 kms on my bike on the way back.

Was dead tired when some friend called us to his place for bakar(useless conversation). Did bakar till 2:30, came back and fell asleep.

Woke up at 6 in the morning dying of hunger. Had an accident a few days ago, hurt my shoulder then. Didn’t think about it much but it was hurting bad now. Went in the freezing cold to shanky to finish off 3 plates of poha. Came back just in time to watch the sun rise, had a painkiller and writing this blog waiting for the pain to subside.
Well, I’m off to sleep now. God knows when I’ll wake up. Good Morning!

Brain Damage

The lunatic is on the grass.
The lunatic is on the grass.
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.
Got to keep the loonies on the path.
The lunatic is in the hall.
The lunatics are in my hall.
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more.
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon.
The lunatic is in my head.
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me ’til I’m sane.
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There’s someone in my head but it’s not me.
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear.
And if the band you’re in starts playing different tunes
I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon.

How will you die?

You scored as Disappear. Your death will be by disappearing,
probably a camping trip gone wrong or an evening hike you
never returned from. Always remeber that one guy who was
hiking alone and got in a rock slide. He could have died, but he
cut his own hand off to save himself. Don’t end up like him
(or worse, dead).

Natural Causes
Cut Throat

How Will You Die??
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Shit City

Had to spend another week at the Shit City Kolkata. Here are a few pics to show you how this place is:-

This is one of the posh neighborhoods near FORUM mall in bhowanipore.

These are pics of a place on Free School street. It’s a huge garbage dump full of garbage and animal carcasses. The place is very stinky, full of flies. The sky above is full of vultures and other birds eating the carcasses and garbage. This place is one of the biggest wholesale areas in Kolkata. Also, you can see kids playing cricket in this shit place. Occassionally, you can feel bits of meat drop from the birds up in the sky.This place sucks..

Why I suck..

These are the reasons I suck:-

  1. I suck
  2. I am unsuccesfull in most aspects of my life
  3. I am not good at anything
  4. I don’t have anything good going on with me
  5. I am repulsive to girls. They find me hideously inattractive
  6. I have a sore throat for quite a few days now
  7. My sessional exams are coming up from monday
  8. I am a disappointment and a burden on my parents
  9. I am foolish enough to believe people like me

Let me sleep you bastards!!

This is to all the bastards who don’t let me sleep. They make it seem like they have been deliberately planted there to prevent me from having a good sleep It’s not that you do it sometimes.. Everyday you come along an interfere with my sleep. I am talking about you guys :-

  1. The Garbage Man:-You come along every morning at 8. I wake up at 9 so this is the time when I am trying to have the last hour of peaceful sleep. But it seems you have some problem with that. It’s not that you scream or shout or anything. You simply push your metal cart along on the road, banging it on the side with a heavy iron pipe. The sound it makes is simply terrible. Believe me. It’s like you are pounding my brain with the rod. Your speed of pushing the cart is so slow, it takes you atleast half an hour from the point the noise started hitting my ears to the time you are totally out of earshot. Apparently, your ears have already been damaged by your own noise because you cannot hear me hurling abuses at you from the window. Also the bulb(which doesn’t work anyways) that hit you on the side of the face last week was from me. Apparently, you thought someone had thrown garbage for you as you put it in your cart and trudged along without any expression on your face. Dude, If I ever see you or your cart in daylight, I am gonna do some serious damage.
  2. The Popcorn Man:-You make your rounds at around 5.15 in the evening. I am at college all day and have to go to gym at 5.30 so I generally try to get 20 minutes of sleep before that. But NO!! You are even more irritating than the garbage man as your Pan that you bang is made of some metal which reverbrates the sound. Even after you have stopped banging the pan, it reverbrates for atleast 5 seconds. Just like a freaking Bell.
  3. The Bastard with the Santro:-You come home every night at around 3 at night from who knows where. You must be whoring or pimping around as your wife is never with you. You have got this Santro that you have fitted with those gadgets which produce terrible shrieking sounds when you put your car in reverse. Again, this is another of those noises which just seem to pound your brain. You TRY parking your car every night by putting it in reverse. The shrieking sound startles me suddenly waking me up. I try sleeping when it stops but AGAIN you put your car in reverse and hence the noise. You have to put your car in reverse atleast 5 times before you can get it into your gate. Either your driving skills suck bad or you are hopelessly drunk. No wonder your gate is scrapped all around and so is your car. By the time you’re done, I am trying to get back to sleep with a terrible headache. You didn’t have to beat the local puncture-repair guy up. He didn’t deliberately puncture all your tyres, I did.
  4. The Hell-Hound:-You are a pure coward. You seem to be a mix-breed of a Hyena and a Mongrel. You are the Santro guy’s pet. You bark all night long at every passerby or animal. Strangely, I have never seen you bark at anyone when the gate’s open. That time, you are mostly cowering behind the Santro. Anyways, what you did last night was pure shit. You killed the Polio-ridden pomerian of next door and dragged him all over the neighbourhood. Dude, that dog was 1/4th your size. Still, you seem to take over half an hour to do it. For half an hour, I was covering my ears with my pillow as you barked at him and mangled him while the poor bastard was yelping for his life. On top of that, you chose the area in front of my house to do it. In the morning as I woke up and went out to buy my biscuits and milk, I saw that you had dragged the poor mutt to your front gate to display it like a trophy. I am waiting for you tonight with my air-gun you bastard. One shot in each of your eyes should do the trick.
  5. The Luna guy:-Well, you don’t choose a particular time to jar my brain but still, mostly you do it early morning at around 5. You live behind my house. You start up your 30cc moped and rev it’s engine as you would do with a sports bike. You find it necessary to warm up the engine for a full 5 minutes at full rpm before you race away to wherever you go. Furthermore, you don’t do it while your moped is on it’s rubber wheels but when it’s on it’s stand. The whole house of mine seems to vibrate with your moped. Don’t be surprised if you find your moped broken to pieces someday.

Given the chance, I would like to take the oppurtunity to beat each of them into a pulp but I am too lazy to wake up and catch you at the act. But hell-hound, you are dead tonight..


Now is India one of the un-healthiest countries in the world or what?? Fitness is a thing unheard of. If you tell people you go to the gym, they laugh at you for wasting time. Now, the worst thing is the mentality of the people here. The biggest myth is, Fat=Health. When some fat guy/gal passes by, people say he’s healthy, not fat. How the hell is fat supposed to be good health? You hear people all around you say “You’ve grown thin! That’s so unhealthy!! Why don’t you eat some butter/ghee regularly to gain weight”. Seriously, is this the right way to gain weight? Instead of going to the gym and gaining muscles, people here eat fat, grow fat and are called healthy. Wake up people, the flab rolling around your body is not “HEALTH”. It’s a shortcut to cholestrol, stroke and eventually death. I think, it will take many years before the mentality of the people here changes and then only can the overall health level of the country improve.

My top 10 song list

These are my top ten favorite songs. These are the songs I listen to most lately. I have avoided multiple songs of the same Artist.

  1. Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin
  2. Comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd
  3. Breaking the Law – Judas Priest
  4. Hotel California(1976) – Eagles
  5. Inside Out – Bryan Adams
  6. It’s a long road – Dan Hill
  7. Sayonee – Junoon
  8. Pal – KK
  9. Future to this life – Joe Walsh
  10. Every Rose has it’s thorn – Poison


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New look

I really liked the dark old look of my blog but I realised it’s time to change. Luckily, I made a backup of my template before I changed it otherwise all my links, counter and the Adsense would have been lost. Anyways, it’s raining continously whole day. The rain drops are so small, they seem atomized. If you go out, you won’t feel much on your body but soon you would be wet. My roommate has got Chikungunya and is lying prone on his bed. Will take him to the hospital in the morning. Anyways,

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Earth bound misfit, I